Robco Electric, Inc.

What does a Solar Production Warranty mean?

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Many solar companies guarantee production. What does a solar production warranty mean and how does it protect you? There are two kinds of guarantees that involve system production on a solar array. The manufacturer of the solar panels guarantees production over time with a Power Output Warranty. That warranty ensures your solar system will perform […]

Solar Tax Credit Extended

solar tax credit

Solar Tax Credit has been extended at 26% for 2 more years. The solar industry got a holiday wish granted at the very end of 2020. Just as the solar tax credit was about to ramp down to 22% in 2021 then 10% in 2022, Congress acted to extend it at 26% for an additional […]

Solar Workmanship Warranties

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What to compare when researching warranties In Nevada, state law mandates that all solar installers offer a 10 year workmanship and roof penetration warranty. When you go solar, your roof warranty is voided, so this backstops and guarantees that you are protected. That leads to a question. If another company is offering you a 25 […]

Converting Solar DC to AC power using Inverters

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Enphase Microinverters offer a longer life, a better warranty, more power and less cost. The DC to AC inverter is the “brain” of your solar system. Solar panels make DC current, your house uses AC current. The inverter does exactly what the name sounds like, it inverts the current from DC to AC and sends […]

Solar questions: Getting An Electric Vehicle?

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Getting an Electric Vehicle? How many more solar panels will you need? How exciting! You’ve decided to buy an electric vehicle. You are going to love the silent, clean ride! So, how much more solar will you need to charge it? Well, that depends on how big your new ride’s battery is and how many […]

Are you getting an error in Enlighten?

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Resetting your Enphase Envoy Have you noticed that your Enlighten is no longer showing data? Your Envoy may need to be reset or reconnected to your wi-fi network. Click the link below for step-by-step instructions to get it talking again. If you have the mobile app you can also access the steps using the […]

Do you use Nextdoor?

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There is a great neighborhood specific app called Nextdoor. It let’s you chat with verified neighbors within about 2 miles of your home. Only the people who live in the area can see your neighborhood posts. Nextdoor just added the ability to recommend a business and tag them in conversations. Telling your neighbors what it […]

The cheapest kilowatt hour is the one you never use

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At Robco, we believe in reducing demand as much as you can so that you can buy less equipment and get more offset from your system. This week we had a few conversations with customers about energy efficiency. They had older homes and pretty big power bills. Instead of recommending larger solar arrays to reduce […]

What’s A Fire Setback? Why Does It Matter For Solar?

Fire set back

When we look at a rooftop for solar, the goal is to replace as much of the customer’s current power use with solar as we can. However, all installers must obey certain rules when designing solar PV systems. One of the most important considerations in design is to comply with the laws for fire setback for […]

Keeping Our Fire Fighters Safe

Clark County Fire Fighters

Robco Electric Installing Solar for the Clark County Fire Department Robco had an incredible opportunity to help keep our fire fighters safe. Captain Williamson with the Clark County Fire Department is having solar installed by Robco Electric. He invited every Fire Captain and Battalion Chief in CCFD to come out to the install to learn about […]