Solar University


Downloading your power bill from NV Energy is easy!

NV Energy Bill

Step #1 – Log in to your NV Energy Account

If you do not have an account, you can create one by choosing “Register a New Account.” You’ll need a paper bill or your NV Energy account number. If you do not remember your User ID or Password, you can reset it by clicking “Forgot Your username or password?”

Step #2 – View Statement

On the upper left-hand side of the screen, click the blue words that say VIEW STATEMENT.

Step #3 – Pop Up Window

A pop-up window will open with the PDF of your bill. Save this file and email it to If you cannot save the file, capture a screenshot and send us that. Your power bill will look like the image below. If you get an error message that you have pop-ups disabled or you are on some phones that do not allow you to save or read PDFs, go to step 4

Step #4 – Trouble Shooting

If you have trouble viewing the statement or it says your statement is not available, move over to the right-hand side of the screen and click VIEW HISTORY at the bottom of the Billing and Payment History box.

Open the Payment and Billing History tab. Download the PDF by clicking the small box with the down-facing arrow. View the PDF by clicking VIEW STATEMENT. You can save it from there as well. If you are still having trouble, please call your Robco Solar Consultant. We can log into your account and retrieve your bill with your permission. You’ll need to supply us with your Username and Password.

If you have trouble, please call your Robco Solar Consultant. We can log into your account and retrieve your bill with your permission. You’ll need to supply us with your Username and Password.

Don’t have an NV Energy bill yet?

If you do not have a power bill available yet, please log into NV Energy and grab these two screenshots.

NV Energy requires that the Solar Net Metering Application have the info below. We usually pull it off the bill, but we need to use an alternate method for new services.

Once you log in, from the drop-down menu, choose Profile and Preferences: (the exact spelling of your name and address as it appears on the bill and account number)

Sizing Your System

Sizing Solar Is A Balancing Act: Supply Vs. Demand

The goal with solar is to match your new system’s power supply to your house’s power demand. You want to hit the perfect balance. Not too big and not too small – just the right size for YOUR needs.

An undersized system will not make as much power as you need. You’ll buy the remainder from NV Energy at the total price. So, you’ll see a bigger-than-expected power bill after you go solar. You can always add panels later to meet this remaining demand.

An oversized system will produce more power than you need, creating more buyback credits than you can use. Buyback credits are just that, credits. They are never converted into money in your hand. They roll over on your bill until used. So, you will never recover the upfront cost of those extra panels. No one gets rich selling solar to the power company.

Finding the Balance

Your solar system will be sized based on how much power you used in the last 12 months OR by square footage for brand-new construction or a new-to-you house. This is why every solar company you talk to will ask for a copy of your most recent power bill or what your square footage is.

What if I Want a Bigger System Now?

If you want more solar panels than NV Energy will approve, an Electrical Engineer has to justify that demand with a Load Calculation Letter. NV Energy will only allow PROVABLE requests for oversizing. You won’t be allowed to oversize your system because you think you’ll get an electric car in 4 years, but you would be allowed to oversize with a signed contract for a swimming pool or a new AC installed in the garage. Remember, your system should be sized to give you the needed power. Buying extra panels now for a load you’ll maybe add in 2 years is not an intelligent investment.

What if I Need More Power in a Few Years?

Yes, you can add panels later! Once the system is turned on, you may add panels anytime. The most common reasons to count on are getting a new pool or spa, buying an electric car, or having someone recently move into your house.

Ask for a quote today.