Robco Electric, Inc.

Robco wins 2018 #PeopleLoveUsOnYelp! Award

When you shop for solar, you’re shopping for more than panels and inverters. You’re looking at a small construction project. The experience and integrity of the contractor you choose matters more than the price. The best solar equipment in the world that is installed by an inexperienced crew can be a nightmare for you and your rooftop. Our crew leads have all been with us for at least 5 years and we do not use subcontracted labor.

Go solar with a trusted local installer and skip the run around from the big guys … and their terrible customer service!


Check out why #PeopleLoveUsOnYelp!

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Science Behind Solar

Science Behind Solar Power

Photovoltaic cells are made of semiconductor materials, such as silicon, that absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity. When sunlight hits the cells, it creates

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