Older optimizer technology versus newer micro inverter technology
We can all agree that old-fashioned central inverters deliver less power that newer technology, but should you choose power optimizers or micro inverters to get the most bang for your buck? The folks over at PV Evolution Labs took a look at this question in a side by side comparison. Micros all the way.
“Summary – 2 of 10 – www.PVEL.com Report #40-16A-1 415.320.PVEL PV Evolution Labs (PVEL) has installed and evaluated side-by-side residential scale photovoltaic (PV) systems for the purpose of comparing the energy yield between Enphase Energy’s and SolarEdge’s inverter technologies. The side-by-side systems were installed at PVEL’s premier test facility at PVUSA, a heavily-monitored research site located in Davis, CA. This Energy Yield Evaluation (EYE) documents the systems’ performance for the time period of June 18, 2013 and August 27, 2013. During that time period, the SolarEdge system was placed into two (2) configurations: one (1) with a total of eight (8) modules on a 3-kW inverter, and one (1) with a total of twenty-four (24) modules on a 6-kW inverter. It was found that the Enphase systems produced 2.4% more energy than the SolarEdge system in the first configuration, and 3.1% more energy in the second configuration. This result was determined on a kWh/kWp basis.”